
Rooted. Just wanna say to @jkr… holy ■■■■. Well done!!! This is hands down the most fun I’ve had on HTB in the month I’ve been a member. Phenomenal job and thank you for all your work on this awesome box. Learned a ton and the vector for root is something I’ve never seen before. Had a blast!

Now that that’s out of the way, here’s my tips for those that are hung up.

[ * ] Use HELP. Examine your environment. Think of what you can leverage.
[ * ] Read everything you can lay your grubby little hands on.
[ * ] Again. Read. EVERYTHING. Take plenty of notes.
[ * ] Once you work backwards and pop user, prep for root!
[ * ] Prepare to do everything locally. Custom exploitation out the ■■■!
[ * ] RTFM. Seriously. 99% of what you need is in the man pages.
[ * ] “Measure twice, cut once.” Debugging/Deployment == slowwww…

Above all else, have fun! This box is not the CTF shitshow we’ve seen repeatedly recently. Literally everything you need is staring you in the face from start to finish.