Jeeves root.txt

@Skullsec said:

@Nalaurien said:

@Skullsec said:
Someone can give me a hint about how I get access to the machine? I’ve found ------- but I don’t know how to access. Help a noob, please haha…

Dont forget you can do simple things to see what ports do. Like netcat to it and send it a hello. See what it says. Sometimes they respond and tell you what they are.

Yeah, I used nc to enumerate the service in the port, but I still missing something 'cause I don’t have success…

As always, then enumerate more. Write notes, link up together what you find (KeepNote is a great program for that purpose).
Enumration is firstly do a nmap. Then write down the open ports and which programs are running there, if possible, which Version they have.
Look to which ports you have access without restriction.
Dirbust web Services (the dirbuster lists are good to start, also SecList has some good lists).
Write down what you find. Enumerate.

Jeeves was really a nice trip, IMHO. Don’t ruin the trip for yourself and spoil you.