I Know Mag1k

@vitorgrohs said:

@crevettedragon said:

@InsOp said:
i guess the plaintext parameter gets confused with all those quotation marks. i got slightly upset when i figured that out :anguished:

Indeed I ran into the same issue and lost quite some time over something so trivial so I thought I could head over to the forum and help. Since this is my first post and I donā€™t want to spoil anyone Iā€™ll try and formulate this in a way people that are not to this stage will not understand ( note to moderators: feel free to edit my comment otherwise ):

Once you know what to forge and want to forge it you might use a command that takes as one of itā€™s parameter a ā€œtextThatHasToPutInEncodedFormā€ (name voluntary modified not to be searchable too easily) . Some characters like " and , have to be escaped.
For example if you want to pass the following:
You need to escape as :
To test your escaped text just echo it in you bash.
Hope it helped.

Man, you really fucked my noob brainā€¦ but thats ok, lets move on. I stucked like almost everyone here and maybe my problem is this holy quotation marks. Is it like: {"eua":"boss","owner":"eua"}?


Same here. Hope some ā€œchosen oneā€ could help with one more hint.