Calamity Writeup by Booj

" Nice one " to all the BOF heads who stuck at it. Nice work @Booj

I see this thread was last active over a year ago so maybe things have changed since. I have the Kali student Distro adding adhoc installations as I am working through the retired machines . The other day I did a apt: update,upgrade and autoremove to keep things clean. Maybe this is relevant?

I installed lxc and then ran the build-alpine , however when I run

“sudo ./build-alpine -a i686”
I get this out put along with no container tar file

"Determining latest release… failed
Failed to Download a valid static apk"
What I have read so far to understand this was interesting but has not helped so my questions is …

Has anyone else had this problem, do you know why its happening and what I can do about it ?