On the quality of recent boxes...

There can quite easily be an opportunity for the platform maintainers to introduce a tagging aspect to box creation. Is this a ‘real world’ scenario or is it a CTF fantasy?

People use the platform for differing reasons. Some want to create boxes that are either fun or educational and the same goes for those wanting to solve them.

Some people are looking for interesting puzzles and others for an education.

That should be considered.

If boxes are tagged by creators and then checked by moderators it should be entirely possible for users to filter on what best suits them.

Personally I am here to learn and I too find it frustrating when I am having to deal with wildly unrealistic web apps. Don’t just leave bullshit in source on the page and try and pass that off as a lesson in reading source code.

We fucking get it.

If you’re going to do that, do something cool like in Waldo where there is code to read and enumerate. Not some ■■■■ image that has a steg message in it. What real world scenario has that?