
I have user.txt!

It’s a fun machine, like Frolic you have to use a little creativity

Initial Foothold:
Enumerate as always with Nmap and Gobuster, when you get to the initial question do not start using complex things, the answer is in front of you, for those who are stuck in w*****l, I advise my previous track in this thread, look well that is the way, after this only use Google and Python.

If you can decode “that” then … In the next part I had a little problem, and I did not see what I decoded, as you always have to read what you have in front of your eyes, you will go to another paradigm, a T****** p** m****, use Google is not so complex to do the most fun in this part

It’s quite simple, if you already have something that you got in the foothold, try using it on the machine again maybe it will work

Looking for the root :bleep_bloop: