Failed Pentesting Windows server 2003 Service pack 2

While it was bluntly put, @Frey has a valid point. Try harder is really the right answer here.

The question you are asking is fairly challenging for people to answer because we dont have access to the environment. Its not as simple as saying “ah SMB is open therefore Eternal Blue” (and you’ve tried that).

There are millions of ports open and the pentest needs to consider how each one is configured and how inspirational you can be with exploits.

For example, what does the FTP service expose? Is it the file system? Is it a restricted area? etc.

You need to do this for each port in a methodological manner. If you are just trying automated exploits in MSF, then save yourself a lot of time and run a hail mary in Armitage.

Looking at Nessus - you can try to exploit the HTTP server, but you’d need to craft an overflow. PHP is vulnerable, so experiment with what it does and how you can interact with it. Have you enumerated port 80 to see if PHP is running? What scripts/apps are in play? (etc)

Strive to move away from simply using searchsploit and trying each thing one after another. There is already automated tooling for that. Be a human and think about the problems to see if you can find a solution.