Best Way to Progress ON HTB if you Work! 5 days in IT

@rek2 said:
cool, yeah I love arch, been using blackarch for hacking, you can use windows over KVM/Qemu with a GPU pass thru card, for games works like a charm. KVM is 10000 times better than vmware anyways.

true that but i broke my arch trying to do KVM/Qemu i have yet to set it up proper but what i did i am ruing bootlct and i have windows and arch on 2 diffrent SSD cards where ill have press f10 to choose which one to boot! ruing on EFI so for windows i chooses boot else archlinux boots automaticaly from bios lol :slight_smile:

top that just rooter FIGHTER ON nexus 6 :slight_smile: yahooooooooo

top Box.