
@Fenrir said:
just got root, but without the ssh-tunnel hint i wouldn’t be able to do it.
so i wonder if there are any indications, that root is using the ssh-tunnel, or was it just guessing?
Feel free to pm me :slight_smile:

Check the parameters of the service you used to get into root, one in particular will tell you exactly why you had to do what you did.

@n3tl0kr said:
So, user was flat enough…I do see something very interesting running on this box and i have a fairly good idea of the inner working using ****** over ***** tunnels but fcrackzip is going on a few hours and no dice for the secret.zip file. I thought maybe a bogus extension or something but to short to be a key? Any very gentle nudges?

If you have already identified an interesting process you might want to read its man page, you could find something useful in there :slight_smile: