
I owned the user already (so I’m trying to own the root), but for some reason I am no longer able to access the URL “”, or any other IP address for active machines. According to Login :: Hack The Box :: Penetration Testing Labs, my connection is working, and I was able to access it originally when I initially owned the user, so I don’t know why I wouldn’t be able to access it anymore. At first when I started having this issue, it would load sometimes (but rarely), but for the past day it hasn’t been working at all.

Also, at first, I was able to ssh into the system and get the text to own the user, but now I’m not able to do that either. When I type in the command, it either doesn’t do anything (and after a few minutes I keyboard interrupt it), or it prompts me to connect to “Charix@poison” (usually at least a minute after I started the command), but when I put in the password, it re-prompts me for a password, even though the same password worked the first time. After the second or third attempt, I usually get a “permission denied” or “connection closed by” error.

Every time I ping an active machine, I get 100% packet loss, which I didn’t get before when I initially owned the user.

I have re-generated my VPN keys several times, and the issue persisted.

Am I doing something wrong? This is the first thing I’ve done on this website, so I’m not overly familiar with everything yet, but I just can’t imagine why it would work the first time but isn’t working again…