
@xephrox said:

@Frey said:
This box is really hard to be honest mate. Try to enumerate, also pay attention to the files you are downloading, they are playing a good part for the initial access.

I think I get what you are trying to say but I’m not sure. What I’m trying should work theoretically but it isn’t. I used a program from github to generate my initial payload and I can see that the machine (reel) asked me for the second payload but nothing after that.

Also taking into consideration some other info that i found, I created my own custom second payload (register server), but that also isn’t working either.

Am I on the right track? Am I doing this wrong?

PS. I tried to make it as vague, yet understandable (i hope), as possible to avoid spoilers.

Try make as a laucnher for the request via the msfconsole and not the git programm, use to git program just to generate the specific file needed for the payload request to go. Msf contains the same exploit as the one from the git but it parses it better and execute the file on the remote server. So enumerate more, experience more with the program understand what it does and mix it up with the msfconsole’s exploit. And as i said pay close attention to the files that you download from on off the services, maybe they are needed for something.