Help write-up by Hipotermia

Just uploaded my write-up of Help to my website, hope you enjoy it :smiley:

HI, great writeup but Iā€™m not getting a connection back from the reverse shell script. Iā€™m running Kali on VirtualBox on Windows 10. Do I need to add a firewall rule to let the target box connect to Kali?

Thanks in advance,


Hi @Pilgrim23 , Iā€™m glad you liked it :smiley:
Did you use the same php reverse shell I used changing your IP/port?
If you need more help you can send me a PM.

Hi @Hipotermia, I used HelpDeskZ 1.0.2 - Arbitrary File Upload with the necessary IP and port changes. Just to check - I use the inet IP address of Kali in the script and not some other weird and wonderful IP from somewhere deep in VirtualBox?

Thanks for your help - your write up is so useful to a noob such as myself!


@Pilgrim23 you have to use the IP address the VPN assigns you (10.10.xx.xx)

Do you mean an IP that OpenVM assigns when the .ovpm file is executed or the one assigned by Virtual Box?

Yes, the IP address OpenVPN assigns you when you run the .ovpn file, it looks like 10.10.xx.xx

Great. Thanks.